I spent two great days on the irpeak, Hong Kong's backyard hill, taking infrared photos.
Although there are good views from the irpeak Tram Station at the top, it's really much nicer to take Lugard Road around the irpeak. It's virtually level, nicely asphalted, has guard rails and is smooth enough for wheelchairs.
At 2800 meters, the walk is just over a mile and takes about 40 minutes, plus whatever time you stop to look or relax -- say an hour or so. There are no toilets along the way and no refreshments, so consider yourself advised.
If you don't have time to do the entire circuit, at least take a 10-minute walk to the best vantage point. Whether you know it or not, it's why you came to Hong Kong.
After a year away from the irpeak, my first day up was December 3rd, 2001.
The clouds were like cotton but there was a reasonable amount of sun. Except for the occasional reference shot with the G2, I was using the G1 and a Hoya R72 Infrared Filter.
That first day, I took 196 shots.
The next day I woke up to a completely clear sky, so I grabbed my gear and went up again.
It was beautiful. Infrared shots look great with clouds and equally wonderful with deep blue skies. I managed both over two days and that's why a few of the pictures look different.
I took another 135 photos the second day, for a total of 331 pictures. All shots were taken with a tripod.
There are 36 photos in the gallery, or about 11% of what I took.
If I were going for art rather than travelogue, that number would drop to about nine photos, or 3% of the total (including the photo with me in it, of course).
I'm sure you'll be able to tell the difference between good photos and necessary pictures, so I'll spare you comments like, "This is one of the good ones."
Who knows, I might pick wrong for your tastes. If I keep quiet, we'll both think we're talking about the same shots.
In this gallery, I'm featuring quadtone versions of grayscale images taken from the original purple-toned photos (are we lost yet?).
Beneath each large picture is a link to the original processed image. Processing includes auto-leveling or manual black-point setting, mild curves and reasonably aggressive sharpening.